How to Prepare for Your Senior Portraits Session


Your senior portraits should be a fun and no-stress experience! There are a few things I recommend doing before your session, so you show up feeling excited and ready for a fun time. If you reserved your time a few months in advance, your photographer will likely walk you through the most important things like outfits and locations. If you still have a few questions or just want to make sure you have all your bases covered, here are a few things I recommend doing the week of your senior session.

How to Prepare for Senior Portraits a Week Before

Hang up your gown and stole in the bathroom

If you plan to wear your regalia to your session, be sure to hang up your stole and gown in your bathroom to smooth out wrinkles at least five days before your session. The steam from your shower should release the creases, so you end up looking neat and tidy before your session.

Get that facial for glowy skin

If you plan to get a facial, I recommend doing it at least a week prior to your session and avoid any major treatments that will cause your skin to peel. If you do a facial that includes extractions, getting it done at least a week before will give your skin time to heal. On that note, any professional beauty treatments like body hair waxing or eyebrow shaping should be done with enough time to give your skin a chance to heal from redness or irritation.

Get on a good sleep schedule

At least a week before your session, make sure you’re getting your beauty rest. If you can’t swing a full week of good sleep, at least try to get that rest in the night before.

Three Days Before Your Senior Photos

Ask a friend or loved one if they can attend your session.

Ask a friend or loved one if they can attend your session. A few days before your session, ask if a friend or family member if they can be at your photoshoot to fix your hair, hold any bags, and help you feel your best.

Lay out your outfits

Chances are you probably already confirmed and chosen what you’re wearing to your photoshoot. Make sure to lay out everything, including jewelry and props.

Two Days Before Your Senior Portraits Session

Spray tan

If you want to look tan in your photos, make sure to get that spray in two days or more prior to your shoot, so your tan has time to settle in before your pictures.

Hydrate and be mindful of your food

At least two days before your shoot, drink lots of water, and don’t eat anything that might make you feel super bloated on your shoot.

Keep lips moisturized

Make sure you’re taking care of your lips. This will help your lip color apply more evenly and look much better in your pictures. The earlier you start doing this, the better, but two days should be enough time to let your lip products do their job.

One Day Before Your Senior Photoshoot

Pack your bags

The day before your shoot, pack your car or your bags with everything you will need. This includes your outfits, props, regalia, makeup bag, and anything you will need during your session. Here’s a full list of everything you should bring.

Get that manicure done

Nails show up in photos and they can be a pain to fix in Photoshop. Wait until the day before your portrait session to get them done, so your nails are looking their best with no chips. If you’re not a nail person, just make sure they look clean, moisturized hands and minimal hangnails.

Confirm your meeting time and locations with your photographer

Chances are that you already reviewed the locations you’ll be visiting for your photoshoot. Confirm the first location and even check where you might be parking, so you and your photographer don’t waste time searching for each other the day of the shoot.

The Day of Your Senior Pictures


If hair is a non-issue for you, skip this one. But for you friends with facial hair, leg hair, underarm hair, or other places hair might be showing, shave either the day of your pictures or the day before (especially for you men!) to allow the redness to settle.

Don’t come hungry

You’ll likely be running of adrenaline and excitement during your shoot. Afterward, you’ll likely feel exhausted. Make sure you eat something fueling and energizing before

Give yourself plenty of time to get ready

Hair, makeup, groomed eyebrows, all of it. Make sure you have plenty of time to do it all and get yourself out the door with your packed bugs. I would plan for more time than less, so you’re not feeling stressed or frazzled the day of your shoot. In general, make sure you’re in a good headspace, so you can come feeling open-minded and ready to have fun!

A Few Notes

  • Do not worry about blemishes or breakouts. Your photographer will easily be able to retouch your photos.

  • Ladies, if you’re on your period the week of your shoot, don’t worry. Let your photographer know that you might be feeling a bit off, so they can help pose you and recommend clothing that will help you feel your best.

  • Your photographer will keep you updated on the weather. If you need to reschedule, be flexible and keep this checklist handy so you can prepare well for your postponed shoot date.

  • Physical emergencies like a bad tan, a stye, or injury can happen. If you’re worried about something specific, communicate with your photographer so they can advise you on whether to reschedule or keep your shoot date.

  • I can’t stress enough: give yourself plenty of time to get ready the day of your shoot! You’ll want to feel your best emotionally and physically, so take control of what you can. I’m so excited for you!